205 lines
7.9 KiB
205 lines
7.9 KiB
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import pyperclip
import pywikibot
import mwparserfromhell
import unicodedata
import regex as re
import random
from collections import defaultdict
# From User:JeffDoozan's bot AutoDooz
CAT_TEMPLATES = [ "c", "C", "cat", "top", "topic", "topics", "categorize", "catlangname", "catlangcode", "cln", "zh-cat",
"eo F", "eo [1-9]OA", "eo-categoryTOC", "eo BRO", "eo GCSE", "Universala Vortaro" ]
RE_CAT_TEMPLATES = r"\{\{\s*(" + "|".join(CAT_TEMPLATES) + r")\s*[|}][^{}]*\}*"
RE_CATEGORIES = r"\[\[\s*[cC]at(egory)?\s*:[^\]]*\]\]"
SITE = pywikibot.Site("en", "wiktionary")
BACKUP_PATH = "en-anagrams-backup"
DIACRITICS = f"{chr(0x0300)}-{chr(0x036F)}"
PUNCTUATION = r"’'()\[\]{}<>:,‒–—―…!.«»\-‐?‘’“”;/⁄␠·&@*\\•^¤¢$€£¥₩₪†‡°¡¿¬#№%‰‱¶′§~¨_|¦⁂☞∴‽※" + f"{chr(0x2000)}-{chr(0x206F)}"
"æ": "ae",
"œ": "oe",
"ı": "i",
def create_diff(old_text: str, current_page: pywikibot.Page) -> None:
Copy the contents of the page to local storage for backup in case there is a problem
with the script later; this will allow the error to be automatically corrected at that time.
os.makedirs(BACKUP_PATH, exist_ok=True)
with open("temp1", mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
with open("temp2", mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
diff = subprocess.getoutput("diff -u temp2 temp1") # Get differences between new revision and previous
diff = diff + "\n" # patch will complain if we don't end the file with a newline
with open(os.path.join(BACKUP_PATH, current_page.title()), mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
def normalise(word: str) -> str:
"""Normalises the word.
Using the following method:
- Remove all whitespace at the start and end.
- Decompose all characters to their simplest, e.g. é becomes e + ACUTE
- Convert to lowercase (casefold)
- Remove all irrelevant elements (punctuation, diacritics).
word = word.casefold()
for source_char, replacement in CONVERSIONS.items():
word = word.replace(source_char, replacement)
word = re.sub(REDUNDANT_CHARS, "", unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", word.strip()).casefold())
return word
def get_alphagram(word: str) -> str:
return "".join(sorted(normalise(word)))
# Calculate all anagrams from the file of words
print("Preparing anagrams from the dataset...")
with open("en_wordlist.txt") as f:
wordlist: list[str] = f.readlines()
anagrams = defaultdict(set)
for word in wordlist:
anagrams = {letter_count: anas for letter_count, anas in anagrams.items() if len(anas) > 1} # Only keep words with multiple anagrams
# ---------------------------------------------
def count_anagrams():
return sum(len(anagram_list) for anagram_list in anagrams.values())
def get_anagrams(word: str, alphagram: str) -> set[str]:
return anagrams[alphagram] - {word} - {ana for ana in anagrams[alphagram] if normalise(ana) == normalise(word)}
def generate_anagrams_section(anagrams: set[str]) -> str:
return "\n\n===Anagrams===\n* " + generate_anagrams_template(anagrams, get_alphagram(anagrams.copy().pop())) + "\n\n"
def generate_anagrams_template(anagrams: set[str], alphagram: str) -> str:
return "{{" + f"anagrams|en|a={alphagram}|" + "|".join(anagrams) + "}}"
def get_see_also_contents(parsed: mwparserfromhell.wikicode.Wikicode) -> set[str]:
for template in parsed.filter(forcetype=mwparserfromhell.wikicode.Template):
template: mwparserfromhell.wikicode.Template
if template.name == "also":
return set(str(param) for param in template.params)
return set()
def add_anagrams(contents: str, anagrams_to_add: set[str], alphagram):
parsed = mwparserfromhell.parse(contents)
if len(anagrams_to_add) == 0:
return contents, set()
anagrams_added = anagrams_to_add.copy()
english_section: mwparserfromhell.wikicode.Wikicode = parsed.get_sections([2], "English")[0]
anagrams_section: mwparserfromhell.wikicode.Wikicode = english_section.get_sections([3], "Anagrams")
if anagrams_section:
anagrams_section = anagrams_section[0]
anagrams_templates = anagrams_section.filter(forcetype=mwparserfromhell.wikicode.Template)
anagrams_templates = [t for t in anagrams_templates if t.name == "anagrams"]
if len(anagrams_templates) == 0:
return contents, set()
existing = set()
anagrams_template = anagrams_templates[0]
i = 2
while anagrams_template.has(i):
i += 1
if existing.union(anagrams_to_add) == existing: # If there are no new anagrams present
return contents, set()
anagrams_to_add = anagrams_to_add.union(existing)
anagrams_section.nodes[anagrams_section.index(anagrams_template)] = generate_anagrams_template(anagrams_to_add, alphagram)
anagrams_added = anagrams_to_add.difference(existing)
index = len(english_section.nodes)-1
keep_going = True
while index > 0 and keep_going:
node_str_form = str(english_section.nodes[index])
if not (node_str_form.isspace() or RE_MATCH_CATEGORIES.match(node_str_form)):
keep_going = False
index += 1 # Insert just after the content that isn't a whitespace/category
index -= 1
while index < len(english_section.nodes) and (node_str_form := str(english_section.nodes[index]).isspace()):
index += 1
english_section.insert(index, generate_anagrams_section(anagrams_to_add))
return str(parsed), anagrams_added
def update_page(title: str, alphagram: str) -> bool:
"""Update a page with its anagrams. Returns whether changes were made."""
page = pywikibot.Page(SITE, title)
create_diff(page.text, page)
anagrams_to_add = get_anagrams(title, alphagram)
new_content, added_anagrams = add_anagrams(page.text, anagrams_to_add, alphagram)
new_content = re.sub("\n{3,}", "\n\n", new_content)
if new_content == page.text:
print(f"Did nothing on page {title} as there are already anagrams present", file=sys.stderr)
return False
page.text = new_content
plural_s = "s" if len(added_anagrams) > 1 else ""
exist_other_sections = len(mwparserfromhell.parse(page.text).get_sections([2])) > 1
page.save(f"Added anagram{plural_s} ({', '.join(added_anagrams)}){' to English section' if exist_other_sections else ''}", minor=False)
return True
def main():
LIMIT = int(pywikibot.argvu[1])
LIMIT = -1
print("Preparing to iterate over", len(anagrams), "alphragrams", f"({count_anagrams()} anagrams)")
for anagram_list in anagrams.values():
if random.randint(1, 1000) == 50:
edit_count = 0 # Updated for every individual page
iterations = 0 # Updated for every set of anagrams
for alphagram, anas in anagrams.items():
if iterations % 5 == 0: # Every fifth set of anagrams, consider whether to halt
halt_page = pywikibot.Page(SITE, "User:KovachevBot/halt")
if "halt" in halt_page.text.casefold():
print(f"ERROR: BOT WAS MANUALLY HALTED BY {halt_page.userName()}", file=sys.stderr)
for anagram in anas:
if edit_count == LIMIT:
edit_count += int(update_page(anagram, alphagram)) # If a change was made, increase the edit count
iterations += 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
main() |