110 lines
5.0 KiB
110 lines
5.0 KiB
import pywikibot
import mwparserfromhell
import wikitextparser
PAGENAME = "къща"
#PAGENAME = "кукла"
site = pywikibot.Site()
page = pywikibot.Page(site, PAGENAME)
def get_forms(page):
result = []
text = page.expand_text()
document = mwparserfromhell.parse(text)
bulgarian = document.get_sections(matches=r"Bulgarian")[0] # Find the section that contains the Bulgarian entry
nouns = bulgarian.get_sections(matches=r"Noun( \d+)*") # Locate any noun sections
# document.get_sections()
for n in nouns:
all_forms = {"lemma": "", "forms": {}} # Each 'noun' has a list of forms in its declension, which we will be populating as a dictionary
declension = n.get_sections(matches=r"Declension")
if declension == []: continue
else: declension = declension[0]
nav_frame = mwparserfromhell.parse(declension).nodes[2]
table = wikitextparser.parse(str(nav_frame)).tables[0].data()
columns = len(table[0]) # Always equals 3: the blank tile, plus the singular and plural
rows = len(table) # Differs between masculine and non-masculine nouns; also depends on vocative presence
# Removes wiki formatting, leaving only the text contents of the cell
#cyrillic = lambda text: not bool(re.search('[A-ЌЎЏѐ-ќў-嶲]', text))
#stripper = lambda item: [i.strip_code() for i in mwparserfromhell.parse(mwparserfromhell.parse(item)).nodes if cyrillic(i.strip_code())]
get_tags = lambda item: [i for i in mwparserfromhell.parse(mwparserfromhell.parse(item)).nodes]
stripper = lambda tags: [mwparserfromhell.parse(t).strip_code() for t in [t for t in tags if type(t) == mwparserfromhell.nodes.tag.Tag] if not ' class="tr Latn"' in t.attributes and t.tag == "span"]
lemma = stripper(get_tags(table[1][1]))[0]
all_forms["lemma"] = lemma
for i in range(1, columns):
column = table[0][i]
for j in range(1, rows):
row = table[j][0]
tags = get_tags(table[j][i])
values = (stripper(tags))
numbers = {
"singular": "s",
"plural": "p",
forms = {
"indefinite": "indef",
"definite": "def",
"definite<br>(subject form)": "sbjv",
"definite<br>(object form)": "objv",
"vocative form": "voc"
for v in values:
form = forms[row]
number = numbers[column]
if v not in all_forms["forms"]:
all_forms["forms"][v] = [(form, number)]
all_forms["forms"][v].append((form, number))
#print(f"{number}, {form}: {value}")
for key in all_forms["forms"]:
if all_forms["forms"][key] == [("sbjv", "p"), ("objv", "p")]:
all_forms["forms"][key] = [("def", "p")]
return result
def generate_derivatives(form_list):
forms = {dictionary["lemma"] for dictionary in form_list}
if len(forms) < len(form_list):
print("Multiple conflicting senses for this term exist with identical stresses, exiting")
for dic in form_list:
strip_acute = lambda text: text.replace("́", "")
lemma = dic["lemma"]
for key in dic["forms"]:
title = strip_acute(key)
derivative_page = pywikibot.Page(site, title)
content = mwparserfromhell.parse(derivative_page.text)
if bool(content.get_sections(matches=r"Bulgarian")):
print(f"ERROR: page {title} already contains existing Bulgarian entry, exiting")
if not derivative_page.botMayEdit:
print(f"ERROR: page {title} disallows bot editing, exiting")
assert "==Bulgarian==" not in content
if derivative_page.exists():
print(f"Page {title} does not exist, creating derived form...")
definition = "# {{inflection of|bg|" + lemma + "||"
for i, variant in enumerate(dic["forms"][key]):
form, number = variant
definition += form + "|" + number
if i < len(dic["forms"][key])-1:
definition += "|;|"
definition += "}}"
entry = "==Bulgarian==\n\n===Pronunciation===\n* {{bg-IPA|" + key + "}}\n\n===Noun===\n{{head|bg|noun form|head=" + key + "}}\n\n" + definition + "\n"
derivative_page.text = entry
derivative_page.save(f"Created derived form of {lemma}")
print(f"Created page {title} with content: {entry}")
generate_derivatives(get_forms(page)) |